Sending E-Mails in AEM
This post describes how the built-in MessageGateway can be used to send an E-Mail in AEM. To test this functionality locally and without having to configure or pay for a publically usable E-Mail provider, we are using MailHog in a Docker Container.
The following is a minimal working example of sending a test 'SimpleMail'. You would usually extract these methods into a custom EmailService.
Sending a SimpleMail
Add a default service
"": "localhost",
"smtp.port": "1025",
// the mailhog smpt port
"smtp.user": "",
"smtp.password": "",
"from.address": "",
"smtp.ssl": false,
"smtp.starttls": false,
"smtp.requiretls": false,
"": false,
"oauth.flow": false
Inject the MessageGatewayService
private MessageGatewayService messageGatewayService;
Create a new SimpleMail
final SimpleEmail simpleEmail = new SimpleEmail();
simpleEmail.setFrom("", "Firstname Lastname");
simpleEmail.addHeader("X-Mailer", "Adobe Experience Manager");
simpleEmail.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
simpleEmail.setSubject("A Test-Message");
simpleEmail.setMsg("Hello from AEM.");
simpleEmail.setTo(List.of(new InternetAddress("")));
Send the created message via the messageGatewayService
The E-Mail was successfully sent to our proxy MailHog: