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Multi Tenancy Theme Support For UI Frontend Module

This post explains how you can customize your ui.frontend ClientLibrary creation to generate separate ClientLibraries for each site or theme with a focus on reusing (core) components and the AEM Style System. Leveraging this, allows you to build fewer backend components, reuse more code and provide flexibility to authors.

This tutorial expects an entry level understanding of the AEM Client Library mechanism.


  1. Configure webpack common to, for each desired 'site', copy and generate (to /dist)
  • site.css
  • site.js
  • all resources (images, fonts)
  1. Configure the aem-clientlib-generator plugin to generate a separate clientlib for each specified site and their files in /dist
  2. Implement site specific component variants, styling etc.


The maven archetype ui.frontendmodule comes with a neat template to generate and copy a ClientLibrary to ui.apps, which can then be integrated and referenced in pages. However, the out of box solution is only configured to generate one single ClientLibrary. This works fine if you have one site for which you are building the styling in this repository.

By reusing AEM Core Components and referencing them via @ResourceSuperType in tenant specific sites, it is possible to reuse a lot of backend code and markup templates. FrontEnd developers could then focus on creating site specific styling variants which get automatically loaded via their respective ClientLibrary. One could also separate a Light and a Dark Mode, for example, with this method and have their stylesheets neatly separated into specific ClientLibraries.


This example assumes that we are building components, their styling variants and/or themes for two clients/tenants called site-X and site-Y.

Since this solution just adapts the maven archetype generated files, I will only show the relevant file excerpts. The two important files are:

  • ui.frontend/clientlib.config.js
  • ui.frontend/webpack.common.js


Each site needs a stylesheet entry. This file imports all other stylesheet files. This is an example:

@import 'src/main/webpack/site/variables';

// Pages
@import 'src/main/webpack/components/header/site-X/header';

//Page Authoring
@import 'src/main/webpack/components/teaser/site-X/teaser';


Each site needs a javascript / typescript entry. This file imports all other script files. This is an example:

// Stylesheets
import "./main-site-X.scss";

// To import JS/TS files, directly point / import them e.g:
import "/src/main/webpack/components/teaser/site-X/[some-js-ts-file]"


For the webpack config, we need to modify three key areas

// we need to define the javascript/typescripts entry file location for each clientlib and their site.
site - X: '/src/main/webpack/site/layouts/site-X/main-site-X.ts',
site - Y: '/src/main/webpack/site/layouts/main-site-Y.ts',

// [...]

// our clientlib will be called clientlib-site-x and the entry javascript file should be called site-x.js
// -> 'clientlib-[name]/[name].js'
(chunkData) => {
return === 'dependencies' ? 'clientlib-dependencies/[name].js' : 'clientlib-[name]/[name].js';
}, path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')

// [...]

// [...]
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
// we need to specify the path to each site
{from: path.resolve(__dirname, "/src/main/webpack/resource" + '/site-X'), to: './clientlib-site-X'},
{from: path.resolve(__dirname, "/src/main/webpack/resource" + '/site-Y'), to: './clientlib-site-Y'}

All in all, the webpack common config defines the structure of the generated build-artifacts below /dist.



Code has been kept simple for clarification’s sake.

The clientlib generation picks up files from the webpack generated artifacts, according to the specified 'cwd' command.

For example:

  • /dist/clientlib-site-x
  • /dist/clientlib-site-y

We keep most of the archetype templates file version the same, just a couple of key changes:

// [...]

// Generate site specific ClientLibs
const SITES = ['site-X', 'site-Y'] // define our sites / tenants
const CLIENT_LIBS = []

for (const siteName of SITES) {
name: 'clientlib-site-' + siteName,
categories: [siteName + '.site'],
dependencies: ['some-dependency'],
assets: {
// Copy js and css into the respective ClientLib directories
js: {
cwd: 'clientlib-' + siteName, // cwd -> changeWorkingDirectory
files: ['**/*.js'],
flatten: false
css: {
cwd: 'clientlib-' + siteName,
files: ['**/*.css'],
flatten: false

// Copy all other files into the `resources` ClientLib directory
resources: {
cwd: 'clientlib-' + siteName,
files: ['**/*.*'],
flatten: true,
ignore: ['**/*.js', '**/*.css']

// [...]

// Config for `aem-clientlib-generator`
module.exports = {
// [...]